Bright but hidden, the Self dwells in the heart.
Everything that moves, breathes, opens, and closes
Lives in the Self. He is the source of love
And may be known through love but not through
He is the goal of life. Attain this goal!
The shining Self dwells hidden in the heart.
Everything in the cosmos, great and small,
Lives in the Self. He is the source of life,
Truth beyond the transcience of this world.
He is the goal of life. Attain this goal!
Take the great bow of the sacred scriptures.
Place on it the arrow of devotion;
Then draw the bowstring of meditation
And aim at the target, the Lord of Love.
The mantram is the bow, the aspirant
Is the arrow, and the Lord the target.
Now draw the bowstring of meditation,
And hitting the target be one with Him.
The Mundaka Upanishad, translated by Eknath Easwaren
Being human is not a simple thing. We come into these bodies, into this world, with no skills whatsoever. Anything we may have picked up in past lives are of necessity forgotten. Many of us end up with parents who know next to nothing about child-rearing, and whose own life skills may be lacking, who parent by trial and error, or simply by expediency and happenstance (for when you're struggling to figure it out yourself while making enough money to support a family and building a career and "working on" your marriage/relationship, much subtlety can fall by the wayside).
Then we go to school, to be taught and socialized, and what they teach us is not how to be in the moment, how to be present to each other and to the world; rather they teach us, mainly, to memorize, to speculate, to break things down into their constituent parts and leave our understanding of the movement and operation of the whole to someone or something else. We are taught to follow orders, often without knowing the "why" of things; we are taught to conform, all of us saying the pledge of allegiance together (do they still do that?), often dressing alike, being asked to "behave" alike; we are taught to see what's wrong with things: remember those puzzlers? "What's wrong with this picture?" and there'd be someone riding a bicycle that is upside down, and someone with three hands, and you'd go through and circle all the "wrong" things?
Then we're sent out into the world and told to thrive.
It's no one's fault. We can teach only what we know, and what most know is only what they were taught by others who didn't know.
Eventually, though, we realize there must be more. We begin to seek. And eventually that seeking leads us back to ourselves and we must find the way to transcend this relative world, transcend our limited thinking, transcend our narrow experience of life; somehow finding our way to experience the wholeness of life and our place in it, rather than our felt separation from it..
Our meditation is one way. One way to have an actual experience of Being. An experience of our true Self. It is not the only way, but it is a way that works, consistently, and that consistently leads us in the direction of the joy and bliss of Being that is our birthright. And as we embrace this practice and the world view from which it comes, we become able to pass on to our own children some ideas and some tools--of wholeness and peace, joy and compassion, endless possibility--the sum of which will grow in them the ability to find for themselves a meaningful life, a joyful existence. And that makes the first part of all this worth going through.
Today I will have compassion for myself, and others like me, for those learned beliefs and behaviors that have ceased to work, and that have kept me separate from the world and from my fellows. I will dedicate myself at least once today to knowing what I am beyond these beliefs and behaviors.