I breathed on my wine-filled glass
Of my other lives
So I could write in the fog.
Replied to all,
Gave myself obscene permission,
And, vicious laughter to shock unenlightened humans.
But if you glanced away, even for a second,
Another would disappear: newly walking babies
Music lovers, the novel in my head.
This summer, I talked loud and fast,
As if something would happen if I did,
To a smiling face.
I answer faces with mouths,
Persevering faces, anguished faces,
Of my other lives
So I could write in the fog.
Replied to all,
Gave myself obscene permission,
And, vicious laughter to shock unenlightened humans.
But if you glanced away, even for a second,
Another would disappear: newly walking babies
Music lovers, the novel in my head.
This summer, I talked loud and fast,
As if something would happen if I did,
To a smiling face.
I answer faces with mouths,
Persevering faces, anguished faces,