Where satisfaction lives...
You have so much,
But are always hungry for more.
Stop looking up at everything you do not have;
Instead, look at everything you do.
Where satisfaction lives...
You have so much,
But are always hungry for more.
Stop looking up at everything you do not have;
Instead, look at everything you do.
I woke up this morning thinking the work was done.
I would not have to practice today.
How naive to think healing was that easy,
When there is no end point.
No finish line to cross.
Healing is every day work.
If I am the longest relationship of my life,
Isn't time to nuture love and intimacy
With the person I lie in bed with each night?
When the world comes crashing at your feet,
It's okay to let others help pick up the pieces.
If we are present to celebrate your happiness,
We are more than capable of sharing your pain.