Friday, August 22, 2014

Started earlier this year on building my tiny home.  A tiny home can be defined as small, less than 300 square feet, home either permanently attached to a foundation, built on a mobile trailer, or built on a floating platform.  I have chosen the a tiny home built on a trailer to enable a mobile lifestyle.  The tiny home community has grown rapidly in the past ten years, with an accelerated growth in the past two years.  Here are a series of links (in no particular order) to groups, communities and builders of tiny homes: 

My tiny home, named The Pod, shortened from The Cephlepod, is approximately 168 square feet. Inside, I will have a queen size bed, with storage beneath, a full kitchen with refrigerator, four burner gas (propane) stove, farmer's sink, cabinetry and shelves for storage, and a tankless water heater, a shower and composting toilet, a living area with fold-up end table, and fold-down dining table (which houses a larger TV / PC monitor, keyboard and WiFi), and a marine propane heater. Every material is chemical free.

Attached are photographs showing the exterior and interior, in early stages of building, and progressively more photographs as construction continues.  I hope to have the The Pod completed by mid-October 2014. I continue to look for a permanent site to house The Pod, however, in the interim, I am considering leasing land either in Northern California, Western Oregon and Western Washington.  Should anyone who reads this blog have a lot, a side yard or open acerage, please contact me.

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