From Zen Presence: Ideas for Meaningful Living
This is no gimmick. If you take the following action, I promise you that it will improve your life and it doesn't require you to enter life-long counselling, to participate in some 30 day challenge, or hire a life coach. It will take is a little bit of courage and some reflecting.
Here it is -
To the greatest extent possible, separate yourself from any person, place, or thing that is bringing you down, is disruptive for you, unsupportive of you, or otherwise harmful to your well being or self esteem. The disgruntled co-worker, the nay-sayer, the jerk next door.....even the condescending relative. These negative people are like vampires and will suck the life out of you. If it is a co-worker or relative then it may be tough. Deal with them only when necessary to accomplish a task. It doesn't matter who it is - you have to be tough. You may have to leave them, block them, or ignore them. You must not let these people destroy your joy - your passion for life.
I know that this will be hard to do - I've been there. I've had to cut some close family members out of my life because they were always negative. I tried but I couldn't help them, they only brought those around them down. It hurt and I hated to do it but in the end it became necessary. You can't stop negative people from being negative but you can stop them from destroying everything positive and beautiful in you. In the end you owe it to the others in your life and you owe it to yourself.
This purging applies to negative habits and routines as well. Do a self inventory and determine which practices add value and which detract from your life. Eliminate the negative immediately and entirely. No mercy here. Eliminating negative actions is just as important as eliminating the negative people in your life. On some level you will judge yourself for doing things that are not good for you and this is terrible for your self esteem.
Once you've eliminated or limited contact with the negative influences in your life you will feel your energy returning. It will be like recovering from a chronic illness. Your creative juices will begin to flow and you will feel the joy for life that you are meant to have.
As a symbolic gesture, remove something from your home that you are not particularly fond of and replace it with something bright and positive. Use your new 'thing' as a reminder and in the same manner, replace the negative influences in your life with creative, positive, and uplifting influences. You have the power of choice. You can improve your life.
This is no gimmick. If you take the following action, I promise you that it will improve your life and it doesn't require you to enter life-long counselling, to participate in some 30 day challenge, or hire a life coach. It will take is a little bit of courage and some reflecting.
Here it is -
To the greatest extent possible, separate yourself from any person, place, or thing that is bringing you down, is disruptive for you, unsupportive of you, or otherwise harmful to your well being or self esteem. The disgruntled co-worker, the nay-sayer, the jerk next door.....even the condescending relative. These negative people are like vampires and will suck the life out of you. If it is a co-worker or relative then it may be tough. Deal with them only when necessary to accomplish a task. It doesn't matter who it is - you have to be tough. You may have to leave them, block them, or ignore them. You must not let these people destroy your joy - your passion for life.
I know that this will be hard to do - I've been there. I've had to cut some close family members out of my life because they were always negative. I tried but I couldn't help them, they only brought those around them down. It hurt and I hated to do it but in the end it became necessary. You can't stop negative people from being negative but you can stop them from destroying everything positive and beautiful in you. In the end you owe it to the others in your life and you owe it to yourself.
This purging applies to negative habits and routines as well. Do a self inventory and determine which practices add value and which detract from your life. Eliminate the negative immediately and entirely. No mercy here. Eliminating negative actions is just as important as eliminating the negative people in your life. On some level you will judge yourself for doing things that are not good for you and this is terrible for your self esteem.
Once you've eliminated or limited contact with the negative influences in your life you will feel your energy returning. It will be like recovering from a chronic illness. Your creative juices will begin to flow and you will feel the joy for life that you are meant to have.
As a symbolic gesture, remove something from your home that you are not particularly fond of and replace it with something bright and positive. Use your new 'thing' as a reminder and in the same manner, replace the negative influences in your life with creative, positive, and uplifting influences. You have the power of choice. You can improve your life.
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