Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Woke up
     Too warm and in need
          Of a cool breeze.

Went to the window
     I had left the shade up.
          As I stared out into a night of diamonds.

Within seconds a brightly bit of brilliance
     Fell from the sky
         A flash of insight, innocence and hope.

Was this a stark reminder?
     Out of the fathomless darkness
          A treasured gift of hope.

Long ago I was taught how to explore myself, assessing my strengths and weaknesses. And, dealing with the difference between lonely and alone.  Here is something I refer to whenever doubts enter my mind about who I am, where I am headed and what I expect to find when I arrive.

Own the uncomfortable in-between where you experience the mélange of weird and wild. Play around in the lingering space that the world calls “loneliness.” Dance in your thoughts and make sure they don’t get too boring. Feel out the difference between your mind and everyone else’s and appreciate your inner-monologue as your longest standing friend.

Be alone. But never, ever, for as long as you live, be lonely.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

I have been in love in numberless forms, numberless times.
     In life after life, in age after age, forever.

My spellbound heart has made and remade itself.

I take you a gift, which you wear in your many forms,
     In life after life, in age after age, forever.

Thursday, August 20, 2015

I force myself to examine what substance, if any, 
     my cherished views possess.

I dare myself to comprehend 

     the emptiness of my stated position.

I challenge myself to determine whether I own the capacity 

     to embrace effortlessly the quiet mind.

I realize the emptiness of notions of ownership, 

     and find my true home. 

I understand the emptiness of selfishness,
     only then do I touch upon true wealth.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

For my granddaughter...

Finding out who you are
requires searching,
hiding your eyes from distractions. 
Not believing you should 

never open
your soul. 
Nor, hoping someone
will save you. 
And knowing,
that only you can.

This past few days I finally knew 
what I had to do. 
Voices around me kept
kept promoting their bad advice.
But I did not stop. 

The wind pried with stiff fingers 
at the very foundations
of my resolve. 
It was already late. 

But, gradually, I left
those voices behind.
The stars burnt 
through the clouds. 
And, I heard a new voice.

Slowly I recognized it as my own.
It kept me company 
as I ventured 
into this vivid world.

Determined to accomplish 
the only thing I knew I could do.
Determined to save 
the only life I could save.

(after Mary Oliver)

Saturday, August 8, 2015

The melody will not be denied,
     Gleaned from dreams,
          Crafted with skill and grace.

The tune reveals itself in black on white,
     Echoing into ivory,
          While a full moon prowls rakish clouds. 

The stillness outside belies the churn within,
     The refrain encases the song,
          As darkness unlocks perfect symphonies.

Friday, August 7, 2015

You see, easy just happens, 

      but simple is planned, carefully curated, 
            well executed.


Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Thankfully, there are many ways we can add value…
Create something someone can use
Inspire someone to take action
Lend a helping hand
Be a shoulder to cry on
Show someone how to do something
Show someone a better way
Provide a new perspective
Lead by example
Listen more
Give your full attention
Just be there for someone
Love them.

From The Minimalists...